• We Know Your Business

    ...and we know ours! Busy Bodies Virtual Services offer Personalized Professional Virtual Assistant and Answering Services for your Business!

  • Unanswered Calls?

    You are losing customers and missing out on an opportunity to gain a client. 9 times out of 10 a person will hang up before leaving a voicemail. Customers want someone live when they call, to make them feel that they are valued.

  • Live Virtual Operators

    Our agents are highly trained professionals with extraordinary training in call screening, appointment setting services, order taking and virtual receptionist services, techincal support, customer service, etc.

  • We Bring Experience

    With Busy Bodies we take pride in not just answering your calls but being part of a team. Our Goal is to help you succeed. We take the time and get to know your company so we don't sound just like another pretty face anwering the phone, will be able to anwer questions and help your customers when needed.

  • We're Here For You!

    Whether its after hours, or if you get slammed with multiple calls you don't have to worry that you lost a caller to a competitor because he or she was unable to reach you. All callers are handled like they were our customer so you don't lose business due to call overload or not being there.

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CALL NOW 888-866-9099 !

About Us

Busy Bodies Virtual Services offers over 10 years of experience in the virtual field. We specialize in supporting the needs of small to medium sized businesses. Busy Bodies offers the luxury of having virtual support at your fingertips without the added expense and hassle of hiring a full employee. Our services are 24/7.

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Our agents are Professional and Reliable. We offer our Affordable Answering Service Solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

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Busy Bodies Virtual Services realizes each customer has their own needs, we don't have set rates that won't fit your needs. We work with all our customers individually and customize your plan, that won't empty your wallet!

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